From Water by Mary Trapp MA Fine Art

Master of Fine Art (MFA)

Our Master of Fine Art (MFA) programme gives you the opportunity to enhance your creative profile by executing an ambitious, time-limited project that results in significant public exposure for your body of creative work.

<p>The MFA is a platform for experienced creative practitioners who want access to a dynamic and supportive art school environment when bringing a project to fruition. It provides a framework within which to conceive, refine and consolidate an advanced body of work, which will be shared publicly.</p>
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Students exhibit their final work at the annual postgraduate show.

<p>As an MFA student, you will develop a robust research proposal into a substantial and resolved creative outcome that will be exhibited and assessed in a public venue. With the support of staff who are specialists in your area, and with access to regular group critique and lectures, you will hone your conception of audience and disseminate your work in an appropriate form. </p> <p>The programme lasts one academic year full-time, or two years part-time, and culminates in an exhibition of creative outcomes.</p> <p>The models of delivery and support that will apply to your work are built around the negotiated proposal that you will provide on application, and that you will refine into a robust project plan during the first weeks of the course. You will work with your tutors to fashion a programme that is tailored to the needs of your project.</p> <p>We offer a high level of critical debate and industry-standard technical facilities, with access to workshop areas across the university.</p>
<p>Click the button below to book an informal online chat with Postgraduate Course Leader, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Dr. Tom Milnes</a>.</p>
<p>The best deadline to submit your MA application by is <strong>1 July</strong>, however please be reassured that we can take late applications until the start of the course if places are still available.</p>
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Reactive Reverence by Katie Upton MA Fine Art
<p>Arts University Plymouth graduates are offered a <strong>discount of 15% on Masters programme fees</strong>, regardless of when they studied with us previously. The discount applies if you studied on one of our pre-degree, foundation or undergraduate programmes.</p>
<p>The MFA is suitable for artists, designers and creative practitioners with a well-developed practice, who have completed an MA and wish to refine and consolidate a professional body of work suitable for public dissemination. To enrol on our MFA, <strong>a recent MA or 180 level 7 credits </strong>in an art, design, crafts or media discipline is required.</p>
<p>Your portfolio should give us an indication of the work that you have made, organised or been involved in. For our postgraduate arts, craft and design courses, we expect to see examples of work you have created. </p> <p>For our MA by Research and MA Museum Studies courses, we don't expect you to have traditional artworks; instead you can share examples of projects you have worked on, classroom experiences you have created, and so on. Please ensure that your portfolio includes descriptions, website links and visuals if they are available.</p>
<p>This programme supports artists, designers and creative practitioners with a well-developed practice and a completed MA, and who wish to refine their practice for exhibition or dissemination in a professional arena.</p>
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<ul><li><strong>Email:</strong> <a href=""></a></li><li><strong>Tel:</strong> +44 (0)1752 203434</li></ul>