ROTATE Katie Upton flatlay MA 2018

MA by Research

Our MA by Research programme presents an exciting opportunity for you to study at Masters level in the dynamic and transdisciplinary arts environment of the university, whilst following an area of your own creative interest under the supervision of specialist academic staff.

<p>MA by Research enables students to explore aspects of knowledge at the forefront of an academic or professional discipline, with research areas negotiated with you on application.</p>
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Speaking Truth to Power panel at Tate Exchange, Tate Modern, London, 2019

<p>Your final submission will be by written thesis and is differentiated from our other practice-led MA courses, with a focus on demonstrating originality in the application of knowledge to gain an understanding of how this is advanced through research and to deal with complex issues systematically and creatively. </p> <p>You will be autonomous and specialist in your approach to your studies, with an emphasis on collaboration and invention through the sharing of expertise and ideas that echo present and emerging research areas.<br /></p> <p>The MA by Research course fosters meaningful research and/or knowledge transfer partnerships, industry-based projects and collaborations to increase the impact and reach of students’ research profile.</p>
<p>Click the button below to book an informal online chat with Postgraduate Course Leader, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Dr. Tom Milnes</a>.</p>
<p>The best deadline to submit your MA application by is <strong>1 July</strong>, however please be reassured that we can take late applications until the start of the course if places are still available.</p>
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Our active postgraduate community extend their research practice into the biennial Making Futures and Making Learning symposia.

<p>Existing and emerging research partnerships include: Tate Exchange Research Centre (through the university’s status as a founding Associate member), Making Futures, Making Learning, Freelands Foundation, Counterpoints Arts, Anglia Ruskin University, Land2 research network, Black Mirror research network and The Box.</p> <p>Here you will be equipped to take up positions in a wide range of sectors requiring research and presentation skills, team working, the exercise of initiative and personal responsibility; and decision-making in complex and unpredictable situations and will acquire the independent learning ability required for continuing professional development.</p> <p>Core specialisms include: all academic areas currently offered through research groups Making Futures; Making Learning and Memory, Site &amp; Artefact.<br /></p>
Seated at a long table in our Fab Lab, a mix of young and mature students examine a white 3D printed prototype as they discuss the possibilities of the medium.
<p>You will have the opportunity to critically engage with current debates within the subject area, relevant institutional contexts and partners and be encouraged to consider what it means to be an artist in the 21st century. </p> <p>We’ll support you in articulating your ideas, developing your working methods and creating independent work, through individual tutorials, lectures, subject-specific seminars, studio and gallery visits and group critiques with access to our rich workshop areas and technical resources across the university.<br /></p>
<p>Arts University Plymouth graduates are offered a <strong>discount of 15% on Masters programme fees</strong>, regardless of when they studied with us previously. The discount applies if you studied on one of our pre-degree, foundation or undergraduate programmes.</p>
<p>MA applicants are normally expected to have an undergraduate degree at 2:2 or above. However, the strength of your creative practice and other forms of experience will be taken into account at the interview stage and we encourage you to start a conversation with us.</p>
<p>Your portfolio should give us an indication of the work that you have made, organised or been involved in. For our postgraduate arts, craft and design courses, we expect to see examples of work you have created. </p> <p>For our MA by Research and MA Museum Studies courses, we don't expect you to have traditional artworks; instead you can share examples of projects you have worked on, classroom experiences you have created, and so on. Please ensure that your portfolio includes descriptions, website links and visuals if they are available.</p>
<ul><li><strong>E</strong><strong>mail: </strong><a href=""></a></li><li><strong>Tel:</strong> +44 (0)1752 203434</li></ul>